Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Why is it that so many of us are born with fully functioning bodies, operational senses, more than adequate brains, are so many of us fall well short of what we are capable of achieving.
I know for myself, I look back on my life and see that I have had no excuse. I have always been pretty healthy, fit and functioning. I have never really struggled financially (I have managed to stay above the poverty line), I live in one of the most prosperous and privileged countries in the world, I have everything going in my favour. What has stopped me? I'll tell you what has stopped me...ME!!! I've let fear, fear of judgement, fear of failure, fear of success, the influence of other people's negative beliefs, my belief of being smaller than I am, all of it, I let all of it, influence my journey. I shouldn't have. I have a great big symphony playing on my heart and it is my duty, my obligation to get it out into the world to affect as many people as possible, for the better.
I'm tracking my journey through these blogs, my website, facebook, my products to try and use myself as a template for people to help them take the little daily steps, that will lead to ultimate success. I've been doing this with The 7 Big Questions and I heartily encourage you to send an e-mail and reserve your copy of my e-book series and the accompanying workbook to answer your 7 Big Questions and create your life, free of the opinion of others.
As usual, I leave it in your hands because no-one can make the choice for you. You, and only you can get off your butt and create your life the way you want it to be. What are you going to choose. What is your choice.
Wayne Brown is a facilitator for life change. Contact him at
or listen to his podcasts at

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